Day 5: Ten Zen Seconds Blogtour with Pamela Yates
Pamela Yates, figurative abstract painter, conceptual artist, andl creativity coach talks with Eric Maisel today about writing and recovery issues.
Pamela Yates, figurative abstract painter, conceptual artist, andl creativity coach talks with Eric Maisel today about writing and recovery issues.
Jan Allsopp joins the blogtour form New South Wales Australia. Jan is a visual artist with 20 years experience working in the mediums of painting, drawing and sculpture. About a year ago, Jan decided to turn her hand to sketching and journaling her travels and her everyday life. She was surprised at how challenging it…
Sandy Lender is the author of the new fantasy novel Choices Meant for Gods released from ArcheBooks Publishing March 20. Her 15-year career in journalism has been enhanced by a few years wearing a public relations officer’s hat so she brings an interesting marketing perspective to her efforts promoting her first book and to the…
Donna Druchunas of Sheep to Shawl talks with Eric Maisel about the Zen of Knitting. I met Donna through Women Writing the West. It was curious to me that several of us, unknown to the others, had joined Eric’s blogtour.
Alyson B. Stanfield is an art-marketing consultant who writes on the business of art for her Art Biz Blog. It is intimately connected with the weekly Art Marketing Action newsletter. Postings range from pricing and promoting your art to working with galleries and cultivating collectors. Alyson and Eric focus on mindfulness techniques for visual artists…
Ken is a technical writer, singer/songwriter, Web developer, instructional designer, and non-fiction junkie who blogs about the nature of creativity. What is it? Why do we do it? How can we bring more of it into our lives? He is a co-developer of the Creativity Happens workshop and currently in training as a creativity coach….
In Kay’s Quiet Little Life blog, she explores the challenges of creating a meaningful artistic life while working to make a living from her efforts. Kay Pere is a multi-dimensional performing songwriter, visual artist, writer, educator and activist whose work embodies a message of hope, healing, humor and humanity. When she isn’t traveling to perform,…