Happy Losar! (Tibetan New Year)
Happy Losar!
Happy Tibetan New Year!
Happy Losar!
Happy Tibetan New Year!
I asked my father, who in the Second World War was Sergeant Erwin A. Thompson, “I” Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, First Army to write a post honoring Pearl Harbor Day. My father is a man who served in that war and still has scars around his scrapnel wounds to prove it. I know, because…
Lake County Artists and Writers gathered at Redbud Library in Clearlake to celbrate International Women’s Day. Lake County Poet Laureate, who hosted our event, invited us to share creative work that honored women we admire. I read a series of poems from my 2006 book Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary honoring three generations of women in…
The world flashes by as we touch the ground. I’ve been to L. A. by car and by train before, but this is my first time to fly in. My conversation with an IT consultant from Southern India on migration, culture, and history mingles with the site of green, tiny flowers on the airstrip, and…
At registration each of us received a beautiful translucent lavendar Goodie Bag. Did we have any Faragamo shoes inside? Nope, but there were teas, candies, special soaps, lotion a hand-crafted journal, and “The Tale of Cuckoo Bow Wood” from the Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter Mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert, the founder of Story Circles…
Improvisational cooking is my specialty. I just look at what is in the refrigerator and the pantry and go from there. My mother gave me this free-wheeling attitude towards cooking and most times it works. Here’s one that did. Date-Nut Cake Use any yellow cake mix (But, Betty Crocker will put you in the mood…
I’ve been harvesting my journals this week. One of the fruits of my harvest is this series of Riehlife contemplations which I hope you’ll enjoy and use: –for cultivating your own contemplations. –for starting conversations with loved ones and friends. –for prompting your writing. What are your foul weather blue sky gifts? What does your…
I asked my father, who in the Second World War was Sergeant Erwin A. Thompson, “I” Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, First Army to write a post honoring Pearl Harbor Day. My father is a man who served in that war and still has scars around his scrapnel wounds to prove it. I know, because…
Lake County Artists and Writers gathered at Redbud Library in Clearlake to celbrate International Women’s Day. Lake County Poet Laureate, who hosted our event, invited us to share creative work that honored women we admire. I read a series of poems from my 2006 book Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary honoring three generations of women in…
The world flashes by as we touch the ground. I’ve been to L. A. by car and by train before, but this is my first time to fly in. My conversation with an IT consultant from Southern India on migration, culture, and history mingles with the site of green, tiny flowers on the airstrip, and…
At registration each of us received a beautiful translucent lavendar Goodie Bag. Did we have any Faragamo shoes inside? Nope, but there were teas, candies, special soaps, lotion a hand-crafted journal, and “The Tale of Cuckoo Bow Wood” from the Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter Mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert, the founder of Story Circles…
Improvisational cooking is my specialty. I just look at what is in the refrigerator and the pantry and go from there. My mother gave me this free-wheeling attitude towards cooking and most times it works. Here’s one that did. Date-Nut Cake Use any yellow cake mix (But, Betty Crocker will put you in the mood…
I’ve been harvesting my journals this week. One of the fruits of my harvest is this series of Riehlife contemplations which I hope you’ll enjoy and use: –for cultivating your own contemplations. –for starting conversations with loved ones and friends. –for prompting your writing. What are your foul weather blue sky gifts? What does your…
I asked my father, who in the Second World War was Sergeant Erwin A. Thompson, “I” Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, First Army to write a post honoring Pearl Harbor Day. My father is a man who served in that war and still has scars around his scrapnel wounds to prove it. I know, because…
Lake County Artists and Writers gathered at Redbud Library in Clearlake to celbrate International Women’s Day. Lake County Poet Laureate, who hosted our event, invited us to share creative work that honored women we admire. I read a series of poems from my 2006 book Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary honoring three generations of women in…
The world flashes by as we touch the ground. I’ve been to L. A. by car and by train before, but this is my first time to fly in. My conversation with an IT consultant from Southern India on migration, culture, and history mingles with the site of green, tiny flowers on the airstrip, and…
At registration each of us received a beautiful translucent lavendar Goodie Bag. Did we have any Faragamo shoes inside? Nope, but there were teas, candies, special soaps, lotion a hand-crafted journal, and “The Tale of Cuckoo Bow Wood” from the Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter Mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert, the founder of Story Circles…
Improvisational cooking is my specialty. I just look at what is in the refrigerator and the pantry and go from there. My mother gave me this free-wheeling attitude towards cooking and most times it works. Here’s one that did. Date-Nut Cake Use any yellow cake mix (But, Betty Crocker will put you in the mood…
I’ve been harvesting my journals this week. One of the fruits of my harvest is this series of Riehlife contemplations which I hope you’ll enjoy and use: –for cultivating your own contemplations. –for starting conversations with loved ones and friends. –for prompting your writing. What are your foul weather blue sky gifts? What does your…