Sightlines Blog Tour Video #8: Interviews with Greg McNey (stage 4, legal) & Yvonne Perry
Title: CD Launch Dinner part 7
Description: Interview with Greg McNey who makes the licensing and copyright phase crystal clear. Watch for Yvonne Perry coming in around 7:25 marker. Yvonne owns the writing service “Writers in the Sky” (WITS). Yvonne and I became blogging buddies after “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary” came out in 2006. Hal Manogue, my other Nashville blogging buddy introduced me to Yvonne and suggested I contact her about being a guest on her weekly podcast. I had planned a trip to meet with both Yvonne and Hal in 2008 which led to the beginning of the audio book project. Yvonne was my lucky rabbit’s foot that led me to my audio engineer Scott Kidd…her son-in-law.
Length: 9:57 minutes with Yvonne Perry appearing at 7:25 marker
Videographer: Scott Kidd