Buddha in a Cup of Tea–Vince Horn & Kenneth Cohen
Buddhist Geeks? Yup. To listen in to a conversation about tea and spiritual practice, click here.
Buddhist Geeks? Yup. To listen in to a conversation about tea and spiritual practice, click here.
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson makes a case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity.
Listen to my writing friend Ernest Dempsey as he talks about inspiration, mentoring, and hard work on SOP’s The American Perspective with Judyth Piazza. Ernest’s drive to write and talent has developed an online writing community and an impressive career. Ernest lives in Pakistan. His writing has become a lifeline.
Ernest Dempsey (a.k.a. Karim Khan, our Man from Pakistan) speaks about freelance writing on Author Access. Interviewed by Irene Watson & Victor R. Volkman.
Hi Mosaic enthusiasts! Check out Lillian Sizemore’s work. She did a wonderful mosaic project in Ghana! Lillian is a mosaic artist and gifted educator. She jurored a show in which Karen Silton’s mosaic “Miriam’s Well” was exhibited. The show was “The Art of Tesserae” at Second City Gallery in Long Beach.
Womens Memoirs keeps coming up with new, fun contests. This one uses the Google-Search tool to make your own You Tube video that quickly shows the arc of your story. Besides being fun, it helps you sharpen the classic story stages. Does this sound complicated? Not at all. The technology is transparent with easy instructions….
Join us on Story Circle Network’s Telling Her Stories as Stephanie Farrow and I continue to discuss the essentials of collaboration in our Creative Catalyst column. This month? Without trust, collaboration ain’t gonna work.