Borges Wisdom on Poetry
Jorge Luis Borges wisdom on poetry from the Riehlife archives.
Jorge Luis Borges wisdom on poetry from the Riehlife archives.
Title: CD Launch Dinner part 7 Description: Interview with Greg McNey who makes the licensing and copyright phase crystal clear. Watch for Yvonne Perry coming in around 7:25 marker. Yvonne owns the writing service “Writers in the Sky” (WITS). Yvonne and I became blogging buddies after “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary” came out in 2006. Hal…
Robert Lee Brewer of Poetic Asides on Facebook writes: We’ve begun another poetic journey of a poem-a-day through the month of April over at the Poetic Asides blog. Read the poem-a-day guidelines here. The basics: I provide a prompt and sample poem each morning (Georgia, USA, time). Then, poets write their poems in response to…
In case you missed it: Robert Siegel’s NPR’s interview of Juliette Binoche reveals not only a 45-year-old stunningly beautiful woman with honored acting chops…but also a dancer and painter…and poet. Her schedule in September would kill an elephant, but Binoche handles it all with elegant lightness. This truly is connecting through the arts and across…
Selena Wolff is a recent Blogging Buddy. Her site is Solitary Words: Finding Spirit Through Writing. It’s exactly what it says! Selena contributed a guest post to Riehl Life on “Finding Your Voice.” From blog comments to emails to guest post to telephone conversation, gradually our connection grew stronger. Today we’re sharing our views on…
During this time I’m in Lake County in Northern California and walking when I can in Clear Lake State Park, the jewel of the county on Clear Lake and nestled on the shoulders of Mt. Konocti…these lines from my poem HOME SWEET HOME often run through my mind…excerpts below. You can read more from “Sightlines:…
WHAT MAKES REAL MEN TICK? When I was a college student back in the 1960’s, my roommate and I decided, after a series of disappointing love affairs, that we were going to study men and try to figure out what made them tick. We were tired of the insipid frat boys and wimpy intellectuals. We…