Black Valentine Series: #4, Valentine poem by Linda Jones Hawkins, for her mother and sister
In honor of the combination of Black History Month and Valentine’s Day week, I’m running a “Black Valentine” series to profile vibrant Black couples and individuals I’ve met in St. Louis. I met Linda and her husband Charles at a Kwanzaa celebration where she was showing her art. Since then, we’ve met several times in my Goddess Gathering Room. In the next few days, I’ll be presenting Linda and Charles love story as well as a second poem composed by Linda Jones Hawkins.–JGR
A Special Valentine Note of Love
For Karen and Dorothy
Brothers and sisters
Mothers and friends
Just interweaving their lives
Falling in love all over again.
Days filled with laughter and
Simplistic expressions
Moment by moment they form
New bonds and solid connections.
Love so delicate
And light as a feather
Can also be tough at times
And rugged like leather.
Hand in hand their
Emotions peak and then explode
They like the dust settling
They more aimlessly down a predestined road.
Fragile and mended beings
Holding on to love
Silently they embrace and
Fly high like a quiet dove.
A good message for today Love can be incredibly fragile, while also being the strongest link of our lives.
That is so true, how do we move when we are being tugged in both directions and still have to love. Linda