Title: Sightlines blog tour video #1: Getting Ready to Go–Nashville Launch Dinner

Description:Ready to go. Janet gets ready for Sightlines audio book launch party in Nashville, Tennessee with Suzy Bogguss—Nashville music star—as special guest.

Length:2:33 minutes.
Videographer:Ria Sharon
Riehlife Link:


Title: Sightlines Blog Tour Video #2: Studio Tour & Working Process

Description:Getting started. Janet drives toward Scott Kidd’s home and studio in Nolensville, Tennessee. As usual, she gets lost. We meet Scott’s dog Tucker and tour Scott’s audio studio. Introduction to Janet and Scott’s working process, personal bond, and how the project began.

Length: /strong>9:52 minutes
Videographer: Scott Kidd
Riehlife Link:


Title: Sightlines Blog Tour Video #3: Stage 1–Recording

Description: Recording begins, stage 1. Janet and Scott continue chatting about 1) How Scott eased Janet’s initial terror; 2) More detailed information on his studio set up; 3) working process of their 2-day (8 hours) recording session in Nashville.

Length:8:20 minutes
Videographer:Scott Kidd
Riehlife Link:…ge-1-recordingsightlines-blog-tour-video-3-stage-1-recording/


Title: Sightlines Blog Tour Video #4: Stage 2 (editing) & Stage 3 (technical)

Description:Stages 2 & 3, editing and technical (disc numbering and mastering) How Janet went from clueless on how to produce an audio book and started doing it. Topics:1) Further into a description of the 7-stage process. 2) Moving from recording (stage 1) into editing and technical side. 3) How the music clips and poetry were woven together.

Length: 8:46 minutes
Videographer: Scott Kidd
Riehlife Link:


Title: Sightlines Blog Tour Video #5: Stage 4 (legal) & Stage 5 (production)

Description: Stages 4 & 5 Legal work (licensing and copyrights) and Production. Greg McNey enters the project. Scott and Janet choose Discmasters as the company to produce the physical prodct…1,000 copies.

Length: 9:56 minutes
Videographer: Scott Kidd
Riehlife link:…e-5-productionsightlines-blog-tour-video-5-stage-4-legal-stage-5-production/


Title: Stage 6 Production and Marketing

Description: Stage 6: Production and Marketing. The product arrives: 50 boxes contained 20 audio books. What to do? Janet stacks them in the corner of her upstairs office (the “Cowboy Room”) at Pop’s house. Moving into promotion and marketing stage. Intro to launch dinner in Nashville, Stage 7: Celebration.

Length: 7:23 minutes
Videographer: Scott Kidd
Riehlife Link:…ge-7-celebratesightlines-blog-tour-video-6-stage-6-production-marketing-stage-7-celebrate/


Title: Sightlines Blog Tour Video #7: Interview with Suzy Bogguss at Launch Dinner

Description: Stage 7, celebration: launch dinner at Sportsman Grille and Lodge. Janet reads Pop’s “I.M.A. Fox” that goes with his fox carving he sent as a gift. Interview with Cousin Suzy Bogguss. Janet and Suzy discuss her hard-won Nashville success, their family connection that began at a 1938 Thompson family reunion when Pop and Suzy’s mother Barbara first played music together. Suzy’s American folk music project she’s asked Pop to contribute to.

Length: 9:59
Videographer: Scott Kidd
Riehlife Link:…-launch-dinnersightlines-blog-tour-video-7-interview-with-suzy-bogguss-at-launch-dinner/


Title: Sightlines Blog Tour Video #8: Interviews with Greg McNey (stage 4, legal) & Yvonne Perry

Description: Interview with Greg McNey who makes the licensing and copyright phase crystal clear. Watch for Yvonne Perry coming in around 7:25 marker. Yvonne owns the writing service “Writers in the Sky” (WITS). Yvonne and I became blogging buddies after “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary” came out in 2006. Hal Manogue, my other Nashville blogging buddy introduced me to Yvonne and suggested I contact her about being a guest on her weekly podcast. I had planned a trip to meet with both Yvonne and Hal in 2008 which led to the beginning of the audio book project. Yvonne was my lucky rabbit’s foot that led me to my audio engineer Scott Kidd…her son-in-law.

Length: 9:57 minutes with Yvonne Perry appearing at 7:25 marker
Videographer: Scott Kidd
Riehlife link:…l-yvonne-perrysightlines-blog-tour-video-8-interviews-with-greg-mcney-stage-4-legal-yvonne-perry/