How a helping hand made all the difference. “Hard Choice,” by Erwin A. Thompson

Hard Choice #1: Combining Wheat Being short of money was nothing new for Ruth and me in 1948 when the last of our three children was born. Our first choice of course was to have food on the table, clothes on the children, gasoline in the car, and parts for the car when it broke…

Father’s Day Spirit In Search of Lost Daughter

Karim Khan, our man from Pakistan, honors father Michael Bradbury in an interview about his four-year search for his missing daughter Laura. In October 1984 Laura, 3 1/2 years old, was kidnapped from a remote campground. What happens after that is recounted in Michael Bradbury’s book Laura Ann Bradbury Missing: A Father’s Search ( Publishing,…

“I remember Dad,” by Maryanne Raphael

Maryanne Raphael has appeared before on Riehlife. Today she contributes to Riehlife’s Blog-of-the-Month as we celebrate All-Father’s-Day-Month. –Janet ________________ I remember Dad by Maryanne Raphael One of my favorite memories of my father was the autumn when I was 15 and living with my parents and five brothers and four sisters in the little town…

We interrupt all-mother’s day programming to bring you a…Scam report!

We interrupt all-mother’s day programming to bring you a…Scam report! Yes, friends, my email has been hacked. You have received a message that I’m stranded in London. Would you wire me money? Luckily, I am not stranded in London. I am not in London a’tall. I do not need you to send me money. Don’t…

Collective Motherhood – The Historical Recipe to Peace, by Ernest Dempsey

Collective Motherhood – The Historical Recipe to Peace by Ernest Dempsey The word ‘mother’ is like a soother for a lifetime; no matter how much older we grow, the presence of mother has a soothing, assuring influence on our sense of existence. And yet, our knowledge about motherhood is just beginning to grow wide enough…

Mothers: “No, Jesus, You Can’t Use the Donkey Tonight,” by Arletta Dawdy

I’ve known Arletta Dawdy for a long time now since we’re both members of Women Writing the West. She lived (and still does) in Santa Rosa when I lived in Lake County, California. Not an insurmountable drive over the mountains which we both made, gladly. When I pressed Arletta to send me her bio (that…