Two Generations of Two Families Visit in the Parlor of the Homestead

In between the tour of the new Alton High School in the morning and the evening reunion event, Curt Madison and his mother Grace Madison came across the river from Portage des Sioux, Missouri, where Curt inspected a roof for his brother Paul. Curt, his wife, and Grace had come to visit us at my…

Za Tour of the New Alton High School: Where are the books, babe?

As part of our 40th reunion we toured new new Alton High School, open just a year now and built at a cost of several millions. Among it’s charms, it boasts a three-court gymnasium. There’s also a beautiful auditorium and stage…a pit for the pit orchestra (I ducked down there for old times sake)…and a…

Healing a 40-plus-year-old Heartbreak at my High School Reunion (Alton High School, class of 1967)

The purpose of reunions, most deeply, ought to be to re-unite us not only with those we once knew back in the day, but with ourselves. I experienced this healing balm at the mixer at the Alton Sports Tap, night one of our class of 1967 40th high school reunion. I heard someone call out…

Stories from the 2007 Reunion of the class of 1967, Alton Senior High School (Illinois)–After 40 years?

I had a better time at my 40th high school reunion than I’d any right to have, considering how it was not exactly the peack experience of my life the first time around. “Well,” responded a friend and classmate, “I’d be worried if it was the peak experience of my life.” Because I graduated early,…

Midwestern Expressions: “If you’re happy and you know it—-tickle me pink”

I’m a nut on regional accents and regional idioms and turns of phrase. My peregrinations around the globe have sharpened my ear. When I first left the USA in the 1970s, I didn’t know I talked funny. Coming home after long absence, I get a real kick out of the special way my father and…

3 Generations Visit “Uncommon Threads: Stories of Missouri Brides” at the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park (near my new home)—and go to the playground afterwards

My niece took a break from her work with the National Consumer Law Center and brought her two daughters over to view the bridal dress exhibit at the Missouri History Museum (click here for beautiful pictures from the exhibit) (Lindell and DeBaliviere in Forest Park). Amazingly, it’s free! The brochure describes this exhibition thusly: Beyond…

City Mouse Roars–at the Lion King on its last performance at the Fox Theater in St. Louis

Country Mouse….then city mouse. As city mouse I’m experiencing wonders such as the Butterfly House, Japanese films and gallery talks on Romare Beardon’s “Show Time” at the St. Louis Art Museum, a Black Artists Exhibition at the Urban League Convention held at the America Center…all in St. Louis, of course. Cousin Cynthia and I compared…