Two Poems by Two Poets: Eamon Grennan and Janet Grace Riehl

Last year I met Eamon Grennan’s poetry through the Lannan Literary videos, a marvelous resource that deserves a post of its own. Eamon Grennan quickly became one of my favorite poets. Former U. S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins says of Grennan: Few poets are as generous as Eamon Grennan in the sheer volume of delight…

“The Machinist, Teaching His Daughter to Play the Piano,” by B. H. Fairchild from The Art of the Lathe

I love this poem from B. H. Fairchild’s 1998 The Art of the Lathe. When I read it, I get chills–goose-bumps always tell me something more is up than I can know. For me, in such a deep way, this poem describes my father–his delicacy, his competence, his depth and no-need-to-speak-it kinship with spirit. For…

30 Things to Do to Celebrate National Poetry Month–Plus Three More–What about enclosing a poem in your bill payment!

Poets. Org has a wonderful list of 30 things to do to celebrate poetry month (April, right?). 31) But, here’s one they haven’t thought of. My father, Erwin A. Thompson, encloses a poem along with his bill to the Great Central Lumber Company. The women down there enjoy this so much that when once he…

The Seeker Academy by L.D. Gussin: Hunger for Connection Met by Grace

Today is the official publication date of L.D. Gussin’s “The Seeker Academy” published by 4361 Press. This is an early review. You might also enjoy browsing L. D. Gussin’s “The Seeker Academy” weblog. Yes, the characters in L. D. Gussin’s “The Seeker Academy” are “hungry for the truth” as Christopher Noel says on the book’s…

Erwin A. Thompson tells Folk Stories from the Soil Conservation Program

As part of reading the river, Pop told me two dryly humorous folk stories from the 1932 US Soil Conservation Program.–JGR ______________________ “The brown color of the Mississippi is tied-in to an issue of land conservation, too. As more and more of the land is cleared for housing and farming, more soil is eroded away…

Erwin A. Thompson’s poem “Water Under the Bridge”

“Water Under the Bridge” is featured on WTTW Network Chicago’s River Stories. Listen to Pop read his poem “Water Under the Bridge,” sing “When the Rose Bloom Again” and reflect upon the sometimes bittersweet, but inevitable, passing of time by clicking on the red link below.–JGR “What inspired me to write Water Under the Bridge?…

Reader Views Interview with Western Author Erwin A. Thompson

Reader Views has just posted an intriguing interview with Pop about his new Western “Cattle Country and Back Trail: Two Tales from the Thompson Western Series.” You can check out the Reader Views full review here as well. Adventure. Romance. Humor. The two tales “Cattle Country and Back Trail” have it all. These are tales…

Erwin A. Thompson featured on WTTW Chicago Network “River Stories”

A few years back Pop was named folk treasure by Arts Across Illinois. In school assemblies he performed music, told stories, and pulled the kids down to perform in skits based on his songs. Once on a visit home Pop and I played our fiddles in a performance in a school gymnasiam while mother led…