
“Invictus”(2009) is masterful. When the Springboks, a South African Rugby team, wins the 1995 World Cup, we see a near miracle of unification. Nelson Mandela, newly elected, chooses the nearly all-white (read “Africaner” or “Boer”) rugby team as a symbol to stitch together the racially and economically divided country after the struggle to end apartheid….

Post-Apartheid: A White Woman and a Black Woman Walk Down the Street…It is Unremarkable.

A woman in an on-line group I belong to shared this comment with me: “I was at an Romance Writers of America party in the early ’90’s and we were talking about apartheid and a best selling author said, ‘What’s apartheid?’ It spoiled my whole concept of her.” I’d been noodling with how to re-commence…