
Happy, Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

(Photo from http://www.writespirit.net/inspirational_talks/political/martin_luther_king_talks/martin) Yesterday I attended a magnificent brunch celebration for Martin Luther King Jr. and the upcoming historic inauguration of Barack Obama. Freida Wheaton’s home art gallery named “Studio 53” was a fitting backdrop for this salon–a gathering of the most prominent African Americans in St. Louis and its expanded metro area…reaching as far…

Hi, Honey! I’m Home! …as Civil Rights Dreaming Comes Into Its Own

And, what a homecoming it is…with the athletic olympics ending and the political olympics getting more heightened with the conventions in full gear. On this day in 1963, 200,000 people participated in a peaceful civil rights rally in Washington, D.C., where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech in front…