Creative Catalyst: Fie on Fear! Success & Failure: Two Sides of a Coin

My collaborator and editor Stephanie Farrow and I blog monthly (1st Tuesday!) on Story Circle Network’s blog Telling Her Stories: The Broad View. We establish a theme in the anchor post and continue with two additional posts to deepen the theme. Cycle 3 in May-June-July considered “Fear: The Friendly Enemy.” This month we begin to…

TCM’s Ernest Dempsey review of “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary”

Sightlines Janet Grace Riehl iUniverse Inc. ISBN: 0-595-37499-9 Genre(s): Poetry Reviewed by Ernest Dempsey Death sometimes brings about a radical swing in the way the survivors look at life. Janet Grace Riehl, an award-winning author, has written a poetry book Sightlines (iUniverse Inc., Lincoln, 2006) that expresses her feelings about the beauties and frailties of…

Sightines: A Poet’s Diary Reader Extends Appreciation

Yesterday, I received a beautiful note from Madonna Bettit of Vermont, extending her appreciation after she’d read “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary.” “Indeed, as you wrote: What will you do with this life?/And why do you wish to keep on living?” You have done something very beautiful. Your lonely, poignant poetry is beyond comment. This is…

Nashville Launch Dinner at Sportsman Bar and Grille for audiobook “Sightlines: A Family Love Story in Poetry and Music”

The last step in producing an audio book is to celebrate! That’s what my Nashville Production team did with me at the Sportsman Bar and Grille this week. It looks like a theme park version of those grand old WPA (Works Progress Administration) lodges in the great parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite. The food was…

Creative Catalyst: “Cycles: The Rhythm Method” April post Telling HerStories (The Broad View)

Every first Tuesday of the month I post a new Creative Catalyst article for the Story Circles Network Blog “Telling Her Stories: The Broad View). Here’s the one for April “Cycles: The Rhythm Method” concerning creative cycles and some tools as we rotate through them. Naledi image taken from my large scale mural on linen…

Poets’ Dinner in Iowa City: Auntie Mary is cooking!

One of the better side benefits from dedicated blogging is that you make friends. Sometimes, very good friends. If you aren’t a pro-blogger, you meet others similarly involved in this labor of love. I’ve been lucky in the friends Riehlife has attracted to our village. Two such friends, as yet unseen, are poet Stephen Kuusisto…


Riehlife off to Ghana on African Holiday…back in 2009

Between December 6th to January 7, Riehlife goes on holiday as Janet travels to Ghana, a place she lived and worked for several years in the 1970s. This trip will be far more simple than her August trip to Southern Africa. Because I’ll only be staying in two locations, I’ll be taking a few more…

Building a Creative Practice: Not for Wimps! Now on Telling HerStories: Taking the Broad View

Capricorn Heart = Persistence of the goat My second post for my Creative Catalyst series on Story Circle Network’s “Telling Herstories: The Broad View” is now up. You can access “Building a Creative Practice: Not for Wimps” by clicking here…where you’ll also see the first post, “What is Creativity Anyway?” Also, a third post will…