William Steig’s Question as conversation starter: What Would You Rather Be? The “What If?” game.

In today’s New York Times Connections section, Edward Rothstein writes a marvelous article: “Worlds Outfoxed by a Wily Inner Child” about the current exhibiton at the Jewish Museum (later to appear in San Francisco) titled “From The New Yorker to Shrek: The Art of William Steig.” The catalog tells the story of from the artist’s…

Poets, Politics & Pakistan: “Staying Safe: Signs of Attitude Change in My Townsfolk,” by Ernest Dempsey

I asked my friend Ernest Dempsey (pen name of Karim Khan) to write some personal notes about the recent Pakistani elections. I was always so impressed that each time we corresponded, he was busily scribbling away on his poetry collection and other literary endeavors. His latest is inclusion in Howard Wu’s anthology “Random Thoughts,” one…

Regenerate! Tweit-Riehl Blog Duet Continues…exploring

Two weeks ago Susan Tweit and I opened a format I’ve termed a “blog duet” (a coinage for our exchange between blogs and mind-hearts). Susan’s blog Community of the Land focuses on spirit-infused ecology. My blog Riehlife seeks to gather and amplify village wisdom we can apply to our everyday 21st century conundrums. “Off She…

“Getting to Know You” blogging Meme…ta-da-ta-da…”Getting to know what to say…”

Sing along, now, everybody, all together: “Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy When I am with you, Getting to know what to say” That’s the essence of the “Getting to Know You” blogging meme which Isabella Mori of Change Therapy has just tagged me to participate in. Poinsetta, December-child’s flower DECEMBER…

“Veterans Voices Series”: Erwin A. Thompson’s Night Patrol story…transcript from Telegraph video

To read my father’s poem “Night Patrol” click here to access the Riehlife March 18th 2007 entry. To see Erwin A. Thompson tellling this story of bravery in action…matter of factly and with gentle humor…go to www.thetelegraph.com. Tip: To avoid problems in streaming this video, you may wish to press the pause button on the…

Wilfred Bereswill on “China’s Spring Festival—Guo Nian—(Chinese New Year)”

Wilfred Bereswill is an environmental engineer and author whose international travels take him regularly to China. His first novel, A REASON FOR DYING, a biological thriller, is due to be released by Hilliard & Harris on April 1st, 2008. Learn more about Wilfred Bereswill’s writing on his website and blog by clicking here. Wilfred wrote…

40th Wedding Anniversary Hawaiian Tour for Gary & Patty Thompson (my brother & sister-in-law)

Gary & Patty Thompson on Hawaiian Second Honeymoon Tour Forty years ago today (February 17, 1968, in Glen Ellyn, Illinois) my brother Gary Thompson and Patricia (Patty) Murrary wed to become Gary and Patty Thompson. They’ve stayed that way for 40 years. That’s no small feat in today’s fast-dissolving-of-everything world. They’ve founded a family of…

Tweit & Riehl begin “Blog Duet”: How do we nurture ourselves and still nurture the world?

Susan Tweit, began our blog duet yesterday,Tuesday, February 12, 2008, with her post on “Community of the Land,” titled “Finding your balance: outward and inward.” Susan J. Tweit telling plant stories in Colorado Janet Riehl performs “Big Butts Are Beautiful” As a journalist, memoirist, blogger, and speaker I’ve known Susan through two organizations: Women Writing…

Alla’s Historical Dallas Bed & Breakfast…a heavenly blend of old and new

If you live in the Dallas area…if you’re travelling to the Dallas area…If you live anywhere in Texas…come on down to Alla’s Historical Dallas Bed and Breakfast where old ways and new ways meet to offer a thoroughly modern version of old world hospitality…and, enjoy the rooster! Alla is what makes Alla’s B & B…